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Security + Safety

The security and safety of the children, educators and families using ACC, and visitors to ACC, is paramount to Centre Management, and is prioritised accordingly.  Here are some of the safety commitments we make:

PIN entry

To ensure the safety of children, educators and families, all external doors at the Centre are locked 24/7.  All families with children formally enrolled have a PIN entry code that is specific to that family.  This allows Centre Management to remove the PIN as required when custody situations alter, without inconveniencing all other families.


Those visitors to ACC who do not have a PIN are able to use the doorbell, a member of the Centre Management team will address their entry to the Centre.  {Visitors can include trades people, specialist services, delivery persons, agency staff, incursion facilitators and many more.}  All visitors are also required to sign the visitors register upon entry and exit giving their name, contact details, company name, arrival and departure time.  Visitors are always escorted by a member of the Centre management team as they move around the service particularly when entering the learning spaces.  Visitors are never left alone whilst inside the Centre.

Waiting List appointments

Families can access a waiting list appointment to view the Centre and join the waiting list.  These are conducted on Wednesday and Friday at 9.30am or 3.00pm and must be pre-booked.  We do not take "walk-ins" as this poses a possible security risk to the children and educators.  A maximum of 2 families, with no more than 6 people, are able to attend each appointment, and are accompanied at all times by Centre Management. The use of mobile telephones is not permitted during wait list appointments.

Alarm system

ACC is protected outside of operating hours by an alarm system and security company patrols.  This is important to protect the physical space and buildings from possible harm.  The City of Monash provides the security patrols whilst our management team has responsibility for the alarm system. For significant emergency situations, including non custodial parent or violent person, there is a a panic button on site which is linked directly to the security company that monitors our alarm system.

Emergency procedures

ACC has a detailed and comprehensive emergency evacuation procedure covering unexpected situations including: Fire, bomb threat, non custodial parent, violent person, armed hold up and toxic emission. All educators receive information and direction around these procedures at induction, and at regular intervals during their tenure.  Emergency evacuation drills are practiced with the children once a quarter.  Information is sent to parents about these drills and their success and any modifications required post review.

Fencing/External perimeter

Fencing around the outdoor spaces is high and secure.  The integrity of the fencing is maintained by the City of Monash.  There is non scaleable mesh on all external fences to ensure children are not able to climb any fences successfully. All external gates are locked with heavy padlocks.

Maintenance and safety checks

The City of Monash is responsible for maintenance of the building and some external repairs (fencing, underground pipes, roof work, plumbing etc.)  Centre Management reports any maintenance items to the City of Monash who will send trades people to take care of those issues.  After hours issues are dealt with using the City of Monash 24 hour emergency line. Educators in all learning spaces are responsible for completing a number of safety checklists at regular intervals including:

  • Daily checklist - cleaning, egress, medications, bathroom hygiene etc.

  • Weekly checklist - furniture quality, tidy room, storeroom safety etc.

  • Monthly checklist - first aid cabinet, medication use by dates (Epipen, Ventolin etc)

  • Outdoor checklist (daily) - gates locked, fencing in tact, sandpits raked, yard checked for foreign objects etc.

Centre Management is responsible for the maintenance of the outdoor spaces including soft fall, moveable and fixed equipment, grass surfaces etc.  

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