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Kindergarten is an important start on your child’s formal educational journey.  In Victoria children are eligible for a kindergarten program if they turn 4 by the 30th April of their kindergarten year. 


Attending kindergarten is an opportunity for your child to experience a range of activities that will enhance and facilitate their development, create enthusiasm for learning and foster a sense of enquiry about the world in which they live. We are honored to play our part in this important phase in your child’s life and look forward to working together to provide the highest quality educational curriculum and care. 

The kindergarten is located to the left of the Centre’s front door.  The kindergarten was previously a separate service called Ashwood Central Preschool; however Monash City Council amalgamated the service in 2000 to provide a more integrated service to the community.

The kindergarten room opens at 8.15am and closes at 5.40pm daily. The sessional kindergarten children join us on either Monday/Thursday OR Tuesday/Friday from 8:30am to 4pm.  Long day kindergarten children are welcome Monday-Friday 7am-6pm and participate in the same high quality kindergarten program.  For the long day kindergarten children they are lucky to share some time in the morning and evenings with older and younger children for “family grouping”.  This is a great time for us to see our siblings and experience some time with other age groups – good practice! 

We also welcome siblings to visit our room during quiet time in our day, and sometimes we even visit other rooms too.


Some younger kindergarten children like to sleep at the start of the year for approximately 1-2 hours in the middle of the day.  Older kindergarten children like to rest and/or participate in quiet activities during this time!  It is also important for children to have periods of relaxation during their day.  Just like us children can’t concentrate at the highest levels for long periods of time. 


Our program allows for different kinds of relaxation for children, from creative arts, listening to music, reading a book, gardening or just plain laying down and having a rest!

Our program also welcomes input from our community.  We have an open door to parents/caregivers and would love to have your involvement in the program. Having said this it is also important that our kindergarten program has structure and provides good practice for the more regimented school program.  Thus it is important to try and settle into a consistent routine with your children as soon as possible.

4-5 years

Room open from 8.15am - 5.40pm Monday to Friday 


Children in 

Room daily

Welcome to the 4yo Kindergarten

Educator to 

child ratio

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